
Unable to open Station file!/websites/private_files/deltaweather/DREC_daily_v2/.dat
Record Date
Record Julian Date
NNN day of the year
Air Temperature Max
(Degrees Fahrenheit F)
Time Max Air Temperature HH:MM:SS
This is the time of max air temperature standard time.
Air Temperature Min
(Degrees Fahrenheit F)
Time Min Air Temperature HH:MM:SS
This is the time of min air temperature standard time.
Air Temperature Observed (Degrees Fahrenheit F)
This is an instantaneous reading for air temperature at 7:00:00 standard time.
Relative Humidity Max (Percent)Time Max Relative Humidity HH:MM:SS
This is the time of max relative humidity standard time.
Relative Humidity Min (Percent)Time Min Relative Humidity HH:MM:SS
This is the time of min relative humidity standard time.
Relative Humidity Observed (Percent)
This is an instantaneous reading at 7:00:00 standard time.
Precipitation (Inches n.nn)
total rain fall that occurred for the day.
Pan Evaporation (Inches n.nn) total evaporation that occured for the day.Wind Run (Miles)
Wind travel for the day.
Wind Speed (Miles Per Hour)
Resultant / Average speed for the day.
Wind Direction (Degrees)
Resultant Direction for the day
Solar Radiation (Langley's)
that occurred for the day.
Soil Temperature Max at 2 inch depth
(Degrees Fahrenheit F) that occurred during the day.
Time Max Soil temperature at 2 inches HH:MM:SS
This is the time of max 2 inch soil temperature standard time.
Soil Temperature Min at 2 inch depth
(Degrees Fahrenheit F) that occurred during the day.
Time Min Soil temperature at 2 inches HH:MM:SS
This is the time of min 2 inch soil temperature standard time.
Soil Temperature Observed at 2 inch depth
(Degrees Fahrenheit F) This is an instantaneous reading 2 inch soil temperature at 7:00:00 standard time.
Soil Temperature Max at 4 inch depth
(Degrees Fahrenheit F) that occurred during the day.
Time Max Soil temperature at 4 inches HH:MM:SS
This is the time of max 4 inch soil temperature standard time.
Soil Temperature Min at 4 inch depth
(Degrees Fahrenheit F) that occurred during the day.
Time Min Soil temperature at 4 inches HH:MM:SS
This is the time of min 4 inch soil temperature standard time.
Soil Temperature Observed at 4 inch depth
(Degrees Fahrenheit F) This is an instantaneous reading 4 inch soil temperature
at 7:00:00 standard time.
DD50 Degree Days 50
Adjusted DD50 Degree Days 50
Fahrenheit adjusted for latitude.
DD60 Degree Days 60