Record Date MM/DD/YYYY | Record Julian Date NNN day of the year | Air Temperature Max (Degrees Fahrenheit F) | Time Max Air Temperature HH:MM:SS This is the time of max air temperature standard time. | Air Temperature Min (Degrees Fahrenheit F) | Time Min Air Temperature HH:MM:SS This is the time of min air temperature standard time. | Air Temperature Observed (Degrees Fahrenheit F) This is an instantaneous reading for air temperature at 7:00:00 standard time. | Relative Humidity Max (Percent) | Time Max Relative Humidity HH:MM:SS This is the time of max relative humidity standard time. | Relative Humidity Min (Percent) | Time Min Relative Humidity HH:MM:SS This is the time of min relative humidity standard time. | Relative Humidity Observed (Percent) This is an instantaneous reading at 7:00:00 standard time. | Precipitation (Inches n.nn) total rain fall that occurred for the day. | Pan Evaporation (Inches n.nn) total evaporation that occured for the day. | Wind Run (Miles) Wind travel for the day. | Wind Speed (Miles Per Hour) Resultant / Average speed for the day. | Wind Direction (Degrees) Resultant Direction for the day | Solar Radiation (Langley's) that occurred for the day. | Soil Temperature Max at 2 inch depth (Degrees Fahrenheit F) that occurred during the day. | Time Max Soil temperature at 2 inches HH:MM:SS This is the time of max 2 inch soil temperature standard time. | Soil Temperature Min at 2 inch depth (Degrees Fahrenheit F) that occurred during the day. | Time Min Soil temperature at 2 inches HH:MM:SS This is the time of min 2 inch soil temperature standard time. | Soil Temperature Observed at 2 inch depth (Degrees Fahrenheit F) This is an instantaneous reading 2 inch soil temperature at 7:00:00 standard time. | Soil Temperature Max at 4 inch depth (Degrees Fahrenheit F) that occurred during the day. | Time Max Soil temperature at 4 inches HH:MM:SS This is the time of max 4 inch soil temperature standard time. | Soil Temperature Min at 4 inch depth (Degrees Fahrenheit F) that occurred during the day. | Time Min Soil temperature at 4 inches HH:MM:SS This is the time of min 4 inch soil temperature standard time. | Soil Temperature Observed at 4 inch depth (Degrees Fahrenheit F) This is an instantaneous reading 4 inch soil temperature at 7:00:00 standard time. | DD50 Degree Days 50 Fahrenheit. | Adjusted DD50 Degree Days 50 Fahrenheit adjusted for latitude. | DD60 Degree Days 60 Fahrenheit. |