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Hourly Report For Station:

Record Date
Record Time
Record Julian Date
NNN day of the year
Air Temperature Max
(Degrees Fahrenheit F)
Time Max Air Temperature HH:MM:SS
This is the time of max air temp for the prior hour interval listed for record [Time].
Air Temperature Min
(Degrees Fahrenheit F)
Time Min Air Temperature HH:MM:SS
This is the time of min air temp for the prior hour interval listed for record [Time].
Air Temperature Observed (Degrees Fahrenheit F)
This is an instantaneous reading at the record [Time].
Relative Humidity Max
Time Max Relative Humidity HH:MM:SS
This is the time of max relative humidity for the prior hour interval listed for record [Time].
Relative Humidity Min
Time Min Relative Humidity HH:MM:SS
This is the time of min relative humidity for the prior hour interval listed for record [Time].
Relative Humidity Observed
(Percent) This is an instantaneous reading at the record [Time].
Precipitation (Inches n.nn)
rain fall that occurred during the prior hour interval listed for record [Time].
Wind Speed (Miles Per Hour)
Resultant Speed that occurred during the prior hour interval listed for record [Time].
Wind Direction (Degrees)
Resultant Direction that occurred during the prior hour interval listed for record [Time].
Solar Radiation (Langley's)
that occurred during the prior hour interval listed for record [Time].
Soil Temperature Average at 2 inch depth
(Degrees Fahrenheit F) that occurred during the prior hour interval listed for record [Time].
Soil Temperature Observed at 2 inch depth
(Degrees Fahrenheit F) This is an instantaneous reading at the record [Time].
Soil Temperature Average at 4 inch depth
(Degrees Fahrenheit F) that occurred during the prior hour interval listed for record [Time].
Soil Temperature Observed at 4 inch depth
(Degrees Fahrenheit F) This is an instantaneous reading at the record [Time].
Average 0 0 00 0 000 00000
Total 0
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