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Stoneville Weather Data Comparison

This Weather Data Comparison tool was developed to allow agricultural researchers or other interested parties to quickly access local weather data and quickly compile tables, graphs, and charts of various weather parameters. This can be useful in explaining differences observed in yield, growth, fruit retention, insects, diseases, and other biological phenomena from year to year . Each table, graph, and chart developed in English units has a corresponding table, graph, and chart converted to metric units (International System (SI) units).

Download Stoneville Weather Data Comparison (Last updated: 11/01/2017)

When downloading the Stoneville Excel link, a box will prompt to open or save the file. It is advised to save the file to your computer. User may also open the file, however the file can only be used as a "Read Only". After file open the user will receive a security warning message regarding 'Macros being disabled in this workbook'. Click OK to keep macros disabled. Disabling the macros does not affect the functioning of this workbook.

For more detailed information about the location, history, data recording, and operation please view this Weather Data Comparison:Stoneville, MS (PDF file).

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